Monday, February 1, 2010

Feeling the pressure

I'm only about 3 weeks away from my due date. Crazy, huh? I'm close enough that I actually could go into labor at any moment now. It's partly exciting and partly terrifying.

In the last couple of weeks, it's gotten a lot more uncomfortable to walk. I'm feeling a lot of pressure--it's like Perrin is pushing down, ready to escape. It's making me wonder if I'm really going to make it another three weeks. I wouldn't be too surprised if he came early. (Watch, just because I said that I bet he'll come two weeks late.)

I'm a little paranoid about going into labor somewhere or sometime really inconvenient. I heard a story not too long ago of a woman whose water broke while she was in Wal-Mart. She smashed a glass jar of pickles on the ground to cover it up, then headed off to the hospital. I really don't know what I would do if that happened to me. Maybe I should keep a jar of pickles handy at all times... just in case.

1 comment:

  1. Very exciting! Sounds like he is in the right postion and getting ready. You are so close to the end of some things and the beginning of lots of new things. I can't wait to meet Perrin. Let me know if you need anything. I've been thinking about you a lot. ;-)
