Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Natural induction

It's the wee hours of the morning, and once again, I can't sleep. I am sooooo ready for this pregnancy stuff to be over with. Don't tell my doctor, but I've been doing some research online to learn things I could do to help induce labor. There are a few things that keep popping up over and over. Here's the advice from the great, wise Internet:

"Eat spicy food." Done! I have thoroughly enjoyed spicy food throughout my pregnancy. In fact, one of my cravings has been the hot sauce from Taco Bell. I've been hoarding the stuff in my refrigerator for months now. I could probably drink it straight from the packet. (I won't, though).

"Take long walks." I guess I could try pacing the living room. I really don't want to take a long walk outside the house in case I get too far away and can't make it back. I mean, imagine walking around with a bowling ball crammed into your pelvis. That's what it feels like. Not exactly the recipe for a long, leisurely stroll around the block.

"Drink castor oil." Ew, no thank you.

"Have sex." There's some debate as to whether this actually helps to stimulate labor. I could question whether sex is even possible at nine months pregnant. I suppose it is, but I can pretty much guarantee it would be more comical than helpful.

I suppose I'm going to have to do this the old-fashioned way and just wait until Perrin is ready. But until then, I think I just might increase my hot sauce intake.

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