Monday, July 5, 2010

Big weekend for a little baby

This has been quite a full (but good) holiday weekend. We took Perrin to his 4 month checkup on Friday (we're a couple weeks behind, but oh well). He weighs 15 lbs 3 oz, which is somewhere in the 50-75th percentile, and he's 28'' long, which, according to our doctor, is once again "off the charts." Just how tall is this boy going be??

Friday night, Perrin spent the night at my parents' house for the first time ever... without us. He seemed to do fine. I, on the other hand, couldn't seem to think or talk about anything besides Perrin for the 15 hours we were apart. Trey and I started our evening alone with a trip to Target (where I looked at baby books and baby clothes), then we had an art night at home (where I painted a watercolor picture of a giant letter P and a baby moose). Then I dreamed about Perrin all night and woke up at 7 AM to call my dad and see how my baby was doing. You'd think I kind of like him, or something.

Saturday night, we took Perrin to his first ever fireworks show. He seemed quite a bit more interested in the street lights than the fireworks, strangely enough. But at least he didn't cry.

We also got Perrin laughing really hard this weekend for the first time. He's given us a couple of tiny chuckles here and there, but he really got the giggles watching Trey stomp around and make funny faces and noises. I was partly laughing at Perrin's cute baby laugh, and partly laughing at how ridiculous Trey looked. Note to self: must have camcorder handy next time.


  1. It's funny what people will do to make a baby laugh! I wish I could have seen it!

  2. sounds like a great weeekend. Congrats to Perrin on being such a tall boy! And congrats to you- first night without the baby is a big deal! Now you can go on a weekend get away!

  3. The laughter is one of my favorite firsts!

  4. Congrats! I still haven't had a night away from Anna, even though I so desperately want one!
