Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Rockin' and rollin'... and eatin'

Last week was a big week for Perrin. For one thing, he learned to roll over from his back to his stomach. Now, any time we put him down, it's only a matter of seconds before he rolls onto his tummy. (And then starts crying when he realizes he doesn't like being on his tummy that much). Now if only we could get him to do it on command, then he'd be just about caught up with Molly!

For another thing, I gave Perrin his first ever baby food item. It was a rice husk, and he gobbled it down. He was so cute that when I gave him his second taste of one today, I decided to document it for your viewing pleasure. Assuming your viewing pleasure involves watching my child do something really mundane like eat.

Enjoy! (Or not... I won't make you watch it. I know he's a lot funnier and cuter to me than to anyone else. Except for Trey--he has to watch it. And my mom. Heck, you all do.)


  1. Love this! His little chomping motions are precious. I can already tell he is going to be a good eater, just like his daddy! ;-)

  2. I know I said that you can have my high chair, and I honestly really meant it. But Anna is turning out to be a bit more of a pixie than we thought. In other words, she's not big enough to sit at the table in the replacement high chair we bought. Sorry.

  3. looks like he's eating beach barbie's surf board
