Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Around town

I've discovered that I actually really enjoy running errands with Perrin. For one thing, it gets us out of the house--a welcome change of routine these days. For another, Perrin is just so adorable that I want to show him off to everyone--the bank teller, the Wal-Mart cashier, the post office clerk. I feel like a little kid holding up my artwork and saying, "See what I made? Pretty stinkin' amazing, huh?"

Maybe not everyone is quite as enthralled with him as I am. But I do have lots of old ladies ooh and aah over him. The other day we were grocery shopping together and a nice elderly lady told me he was gorgeous (yes, I know) and asked me how much I would take for him. (I considered telling her she could have him all night long for free, but I restrained myself. Besides, he's really not that bad at night anymore. Most of the time.)

Extra bonus: Even if Perrin is having a bad day, he almost never cries when he's in his car seat or stroller. I almost hate to even mention this in case I jinx myself, but so far it's the truth.

I think I'm almost ready to attempt taking him to the movie theater. Trey has to work late all next month, so I'm thinking of going to a matinee with Perrin on a weekday. If I'm brave enough to actually give it a whirl, I'll let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

  1. I do the same thing with P. I am not brave enought to take her to a movie, though. You could probably go at nap time, take the nursing shawl and it would work great. Isn't it fun having a cute baby!?
