Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Back to work

I'm officially a working mom. (Yay?) Yesterday was my first day to go back to the office. I popped in for three hours to pick up some files and talk to my boss about some projects and duties I'll be taking over. All of which I can do from home! :)

So far, so good--I put Perrin down for his morning nap around 8:30 and got two full hours of work in. My goal is ten hours a week. It's only Tuesday and I'm halfway there. I think this just might work out! Working from home is AWESOME--I can wear pajamas, munch on grapes, and listen to music as I type up articles and process orders. And if Perrin wakes up crying, I'll just clock out and try to get more done later. I was pretty worried about going back to work and trying to balance that with taking care of Perrin. But these first two days have been great! Don't have a heart attack, but I think I actually missed working. We'll see how long that lasts....

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