Thursday, November 18, 2010

Mommy brain

Sometimes it's all I can do just to get through each day with me and Perrin both being cleaned, dressed, fed, and marginally happy. The days I actually get some office work done and clean the house are the super good days. Then there are days like today in which I superglue my hand to a piece of felt and my husband informs me that Perrin has had his shirt on backwards all day.

Does being a mom kill brain cells? Some days I seriously feel about as smart as a clod of dirt. I used to feel like I was pretty smart. Maybe my brain has atrophied somewhere between the 5,000th round of patty cake and the latest diaper explosion. Or maybe now I'm finally smart enough to realize I'm really not as smart as I always thought I was.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah calls it mommy brain. She experiences it every baby and then things level out. I call it multi-tasking in a way you have never experienced. Mommy brain involves your deep emotions unlike multi-tasking on a job. You will get better and better at it. Also your baby is small. When they talk and can tell you how they feel and so much more, it gets easier. You are doing a great job at it plus your work for FL. So blessed we have you and your family is blessed as well. have a great thanksgiving.
    I really admire you a lot. Betty
