Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Geek in training

Trey and I really enjoy technology, so it only makes sense that our son would follow in our footsteps. He is absolutely fascinated with my laptop. I downloaded a program for him called baby smash that lets him smash away on my keyboard while fun letters and shapes show up all over the screen. The only bad thing is that the last time he was playing it, I looked down after a while and realized I was missing the "H" key. I managed to extract it from his clenched fist and reattach it, but I'm a bit more diligent about watching him during these smash sessions.

Anyway, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to post some pictures of our little tech wiz:


  1. good idea. I'm totally gonna look up that program. I got a little toy laptop on consignment. But it did not distract from the real thing as well as I hoped. The toy cell phone does satify the button pushing.

  2. Cute! It looks like he is working hard! ;-)
