I was going to write all about Christmas Day with Perrin, but now that Trey's started a blog, he kind of took care of that already (http://blogalogadingdang.blogspot.com/2010/12/so-christmas.html). I thought that mildly amusing blog posts on our child's antics was MY territory, but whatever. His blog post is actually really good. Probably better than whatever I would have written. So I'm directing all of my faithful followers to his post to get the low-down on Christmas day.
But I couldn't resist posting a picture of Perrin unwrapping a present. He got the hang of wrapping paper pretty quickly. He'd rip off a big piece, then look at us guiltily as if he knew he'd just destroyed something and wasn't sure if we'd be happy about it. Then he'd shred more paper as we tried to get him excited about the actual present. Presents, shmesents--who cares about them when there's paper and ribbons and tape and boxes to play with?

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