Perrin is a nap fighter. He sleeps pretty well through the night, but during the day we're in a constant battle of the wills when it's time for him to take a snooze. Some days are easier than others. Some days (like yesterday), are terrible.
I tried putting him down for his morning nap at 9:00. He almost always goes back to sleep for an hour or so right around that time, so it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. But I was particularly anxious to get him in bed because I had a couple of work-related things that needed to be done immediately. Wouldn't you know it--on the day that it's most important for him to take that morning nap, he cries on and off for two and a half hours. Two and a half hours!!! Of crying!!! I was ready to poke a pitchfork into my brain after about the first hour of it. I tried rocking him, feeding him, changing him, burping him, etc. All the normal things. Then I wondered if he was having some teething pain, so I swabbed his gums with baby orajel. (Oh, man... he didn't like that. The cries turned into screams). Then I tried some less traditional methods to get him to stop crying. First, I took him into the bathroom and sat him on the sink and let him dip his feet under the running faucet. He liked it. So that stopped him from crying for awhile. Then later I took off his clothes and let him roll around in just his diaper. He liked that too. (On a side note, do all babies like being naked, or is it just mine?)
Finally, finally, glory hallelujah, he fell asleep. I was so relieved that I could finally get some stuff done. Unfortunately, by that point I was really too tired to be productive. ::Sigh::
Do you steal this from my blog? Kidding- but I can totally relate! ;-)