We've survived a little over a week with a newborn, and we must be doing an okay job as parents--Perrin seems to be a perfectly healthy, happy little baby. And I must say, I'm really enjoying being a mom! It's been a big adjustment though, obviously. And in some ways it's been different from what I expected it to be. Here are just a few examples.
I didn't expect...
1. That Perrin would always wait until we removed his diaper to decide to pee. I'd heard that baby boys would sometimes do this; I just didn't think we'd have to be on constant alert for it. It's a little embarrassing when we take him to the pediatrician for a weight check and he sprays down the entire room (including me and the diaper bag).
2. That I would keep forgetting we have a dog. People say that having a baby will make you love your pets less. But Trey and I talked a lot before Perrin was born about how we would make Molly feel like she's still a part of the family. We vowed we would pay her lots of attention and treat her extra nice while she was getting used to sharing the house with a baby. But I keep waking up in the morning and completely forgetting that there's a dog somewhere that needs to be fed and taken outside occasionally. Poor Molly.
3. That my life would be so consumed with nursing. Babies have to eat about every 2-3 hours.Perrin sometimes eats even more frequently than that, and since it takes a good 30 minutes each time, I feel like I'm feeding him constantly. The boy is going to be an eater...
4. That I would feel worried every time he sleeps for more than a couple hours and wonder if he's okay. Maybe it's just a jittery-new-parent thing, but I sometimes poke him a little until he moves just to make sure he's still alive and breathing. A couple months ago, I probably would have laughed at someone being so paranoid. But I caught Trey doing it today too, so I'm glad it's not just me.
5. That we would be blessed with the cutest, sweetest, most perfect little baby in the whole world! Okay, I might be a teensy bit biased, but seriously--Perrin is pretty special. I was always a little unsure about having kids. But I feel like Perrin is a gift that I never knew I always wanted.
Sounds like you are right on par! In fact, that you can write something coherent and good, means you are coping way better than I was when Piper was just a few days old.
ReplyDeleteIf it makes you feel any better, Piper pees a lot when I am changing her diaper. It doesn't spray quite as much, but it still makes a pretty big mess.
There is something so magic about loving a new baby. I would have never thought that I would fall in love so hard with such a demanding little wad, but they really capture your heart.
Congrats, again.