Sunday, May 19, 2013

My excuses

I just realized today that it's been over a month since my last blog post. I apologize to my faithful followers (all three of you). We're in an incredibly busy season of life at the moment, and as much as I want to document every interesting/weird/funny moment of my family's life, sleep usually wins out at the end of the day.

Perrin flooded our bathroom last week and it actually would have made for a pretty good blog post (well, it would have once I got past my fury). But I never could find a spare moment to jot it down. Oh, well. Long story short: He plugged the sink and left the water running for about half an hour before I realized it. I stepped into the bathroom and was instantly in water up to my ankles. I had some semi-sarcastic commentary all planned out in my mind for the blog, but it's gone now. Maybe it's best I forget about that whole fiasco anyway.

Aside from the day-to-day chaos of raising a toddler and an infant, Trey and I are also training for a 5k, so we're out running three times a week now. We've been training for 8 weeks and can both run 2.5 miles without stopping--a big accomplishment for a couple of couch potatoes! I'll try really hard to make time to write a blog about race day next month (if we survive, that is).

I was much better about keeping up with the blog when Perrin was a baby. It seemed like I documented every milestone, growth spurt, amusing anecdote, and temper tantrum. Brielle is growing up so fast and I've hardly written any of it down. Just within the past week, she's started scooting backwards across the floor, has sprouted her first tooth, and has learned how to give kisses. I feel like these precious moments are slipping away before I have a chance to fully savor them. Someday she'll ask me, "Mom, how old was I when I learned to crawl?" Or, "What was my first word?" And I'll either have to make something up or admit that I didn't keep up with her baby accomplishments with quite the same dedication as I did for Perrin.

On second thought, I'll tell her this: "Brielle, I may have forgotten a few of the details and special moments, and I may not have done a great job of documenting your life as a baby. But some things are unforgettable, including your sweet baby grins and giggles, the way you loved to splash around in the bathtub, and the way you looked when you were nodding off to sleep in my arms. The only reason I didn't write down every precious detail in those early months is that I was too busy enjoying you. You were in my arms practically all day every day, and I wouldn't have given up those special moments with you for all the dozens of posts I could have been writing."

I do love having old blog posts to read back over to remind me of the special moments, but even more than that, I love living the special moments. And if that means I only have the chance to blog once a month (or less), so be it.

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