Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Busy busy busy day

It's 8:00 PM and I am sitting down to relax for the FIRST time today. Seriously. We all woke up this morning at 6:00, as usual. I fed, bathed, and dressed both me and Perrin and packed a lunch for Trey for work. Once Trey was gone, Perrin and I went grocery shopping. We came home and unloaded the groceries, watered the flowers, then headed off to the library to watch the Irish dancers. We came home, and I whipped up a quick lunch for Perrin then put him down for a nap. Then I clocked in on my work computer and worked for an hour and a half. I also roasted a butternut squash and made applesauce muffins for tomorrow's breakfast (Perrin woke up about halfway through the cooking). Meanwhile, I kept getting text messages from Trey saying he was in the ER with a kidney stone and might need me to come get him. Around 2:30, Perrin and I drove to Jacksonville so I could drop him off for a play date. Then I got a call from Trey saying he'd been discharged, and he did indeed need me to pick him up. So I drove all the way to Little Rock, picked up hubby, stopped on the way home to let him lean out of the car and puke, and finally made it home and put him to bed. Then I mixed some bleach and water and got on my hands and knees and scrubbed the tile floor in our kitchen and dining room--just because it desperately needed to be done. I realized I needed to go pick Perrin up, so I washed up, threw on some clothes, and drove like crazy back to Jacksonville. Once I got Perrin, I raced home and cooked a quick dinner for the two of us. Trey was writhing in pain by then, so Perrin and I took his prescriptions up to Walmart to get them filled. The pharmacist said it would be 30 minutes, but it was actually an hour. Perrin and I ran (literally-RAN) back and forth across Walmart for the entire stinking hour. I got us back home as quickly as possible, drugged up hubby, then got Perrin all ready for bed. Now he's in his crib talking to the wall and I am lying on the couch with hardly enough energy to write this blog. No clue about  Trey... he doesn't seem to be writhing in pain anymore. Guess I ought to go check on him.

I've been wondering lately how hectic life would be with two children. I think I have an idea now.

1 comment:

  1. Be careful sweetie: This way utter exhaustion lies. I have tried to do too much all at once before--to be wonder woman/mother/wife. Every so often you can swing it and feel ok or even exhilarated (and smug) at the end. Lots of times tho, those days end in total disaster. Don't push yourself too hard; tomorrow is another day. It is always ok, especially on days when you have something extra like a sick hubby on your roster, to pace yourself and bump some things to the next day. Or week. I promise you, I know whereof I speak. :) As a mom, I've learned that attainable goals are a must. You sort of have to set yourself up for success. (Not the same as aiming low--just realize that a small achievement is better than a big flop.) Sorry if this sounds all big-sisterish, but when I read your post, I literally had a bit of a flashback to some of my early days as a mom and I'll do whatever I can to help another momma to avoid that frustration. Hope Trey's feeling better and you are getting some rest. Love you!
