Tonight is my last night in my 20s. It's hard for me to believe I'm hitting this milestone already... I don't feel like I should be in my 30s yet! (Or as an ecard on Pinterest put it, "I'm 30 but I feel like I should be 20. Unless I hang out with a bunch of 20-year-olds; then I'm like, 'Nope, never mind. I'm 30.' ")
I've known several people who were actually glad to leave their 20s behind because it can be a tumultuous decade of learning how to be an adult and possibly lacking the confidence or knowledge to be successful at the whole growing up thing. But I honestly feel like my 20s were pretty great simply because the major highlights of my life so far were in my 20s--getting married, getting my first real job, buying my first house, traveling to New Zealand and writing a book, giving birth to two awesome kids. It's going to be hard for my 30s to top all of that. So I guess I feel a little sad because I wonder if the best parts of my life are already behind me.
On the other hand, I'm excited for the decade to come. It's going to be different--probably much more focused on my family than on personal achievements. And I can look back to age 20 and see how far I've come spiritually, which gives me hope that I'll see God doing amazing things in my life and in my family's life in the years ahead as we continue to draw closer to Him.
So bring it on, 30! I'm ready for ya! (But you can cut it out with the gray hairs. Seriously. I'm not quite ready for that yet.)