My dear baby girl,
I can't believe you're a year old! (Yes, I'm a few weeks late in writing this letter. You and your brother keep me very busy.) It's so bittersweet to see you transitioning from an infant to a toddler. It's hard for me to even use the word toddler to describe you because it just feels too grown up! But you really are growing up--into a lively, funny, smiley, cuddly, beautiful, intelligent little girl. This past year has definitely delivered some tough moments and sleepless nights, but we've also had the joy of celebrating your many firsts--first smiles, first laughs, first words (including your favorite word, duck!), and most recently, first steps.
We love watching your personality blossom. You're curious about everything (including the bathroom trash can, which you insist on dumping out whenever possible). You love to read books and point at the pictures (you enthusiastically classify every animal as a dog or a duck). No one in the world gets as much joy out of taking off their socks as you do, and I love the cheesy grin you give me when you hold them up in triumph.
I love watching you and Perrin interact. I know he makes you mad sometimes when he steals your toys or plays too rough. But he's your very first friend, and he'll most likely be your friend for longer than anyone else in the world. I hope you'll always be as quick to forgive him as you are right now.
My sweet girl, I have so many hopes and dreams for you. But just know that nothing could bring me more joy than to see you growing up to love Jesus with your whole heart. You may go through some rough spots of doubt and confusion, just as I did. And I'll tell you the story of how faithful God was to me in spite of it all. I'm confident He'll pull you through to the other side too, no matter what you're facing. And don't forget that you have two loving parents who are praying for you and loving you every single day.
I love you, baby (toddler) girl! One year down, and hopefully many, many more that we get to spend together and celebrate your beautiful life! I'm so thankful to have you as my daughter!