Perrin LOVES food. He doesn't care what it is; he'll eat it. This has been quite a blessing for us since we've drastically changed our eating habits within the last few months to cut out processed foods, sugar, high fructose corn syrup, GMO foods, fast food, etc. (Not that we manage to keep it up 100% of the time, but we are so so so much healthier than we were this time last year. Also, we're not Nazis about this, so if anyone wants to invite us over for pizza, we're game!) But anyway, it's nice that we don't have a picky eater so we can fill him up with lots of fruits and veggies, beans, homemade soups and broths, plain yogurt, and farm fresh meat (no antibiotics or hormones injected!) He loves kale. He loves spinach. He LOVES lima beans and eats them faster than I can keep them on his plate. Ditto for sweet potatoes, brussel sprouts, cantaloupe, and squash.
The thing is, he also loves dog food. And acorns. And leaves. And bugs. Maybe it's not that he particularly likes my cooking; maybe the child has a really wonky sense of taste. I guess I can't take it as a compliment when he chows down on carpet lint with as much gusto as when he's eating my whole-wheat banana flax muffins.
Oh, well, I'm just going to enjoy the ride for now because we're not that far off from the terrible twos. And I imagine that when he learns he has the power to reject my food, it won't be so easy to convince him that veggie souffle is way better than mac-n-cheese.